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Are Your Clothing Choices Impacting The Environment? | Naturally Ideal

By Tucana Trading May 21, 2021 0 comments

The Clothes You Dress Yourself In Impact The World Around You

How do the clothes we put on in the morning make us feel? The fit, the style, and comfort level all have a way of predetermining our mood moving forward with the day. If we aren’t confident with what we put on our bodies, that’s likely to translate into all other facets of our lives. One other aspect, arguably the most important, is the type of fabric we choose to clothe ourselves in. Here at Naturally Ideal, we believe that natural fibers are a small choice for making a bigger difference. Your clothing choices are affecting the environment, whether you know it or not.


Rolls of different colored fabrics sit in a wooden shelf. Beige and white material hangs on a rack in the background. A green plant sits on a marble table.

The Rundown On Biodegradable Materials

I’m sure most people have heard of the term natural fibers, but what does that entail? A natural fiber—as opposed to a synthetic one—is produced from plants, animals, or minerals to make a fabric. An example of those would be cotton, linen, wool, bamboo, and many others. What makes these types of fabrics so amazing is that they are easily biodegradable (as long as they aren’t treated with harsh chemicals). Biodegradable means that the earth can break them back down to their original form. Now, don’t get us wrong, most things are in fact biodegradable. What really matters is how long those materials will take to break down. Organic cotton takes only a few months to biodegrade, wool only a few years. Whereas spandex, a man-made fabric, could take hundreds of years to decompose. That’s why Naturally Ideal chooses to sell clothing that is better for the environment. Products we sell, like Lee Valley shirts and Thought socks, are just a couple of examples of great brands that make their clothes out of fabrics like organic cotton and bamboo.


 Is Fast Fashion Really Worth the Price?

Along with being better for the environment, natural fabrics are more durable in general. One issue is that many companies produce clothing cheap and fast, as synthetic fabrics tend to be significantly cheaper than naturally derived ones. But is the cost really worth it? Considering the likelihood that the clothing will fall apart far quicker than something made from linen or cotton, probably not. Another great way to produce better clothing is by using recycled synthetic materials. Thought does this with polyester. This is a way to reuse plastic and prevent it from sitting in a landfill. It’s not a perfect solution but it is a step in the right direction. Buying clothing that is recycled or natural may not be as affordable in the moment, but it will save you money over time.


Orange and pink fabric sit beneath an orange flower with a green stem.

Small Steps Make For Big Changes

Changing for the better can seem like a daunting task but a movement begins with just one person. So, what can we do to decrease our carbon footprint? Invest in clothing that is going to last longer and is better for the environment. Invest in brands that care about our planet. Naturally Ideal provides a simple way to do just that by choosing brands that share in the idea that natural is better.

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