What is World Wildlife Day?
World Wildlife Day was established on December 20, 2013. It was proposed by Thailand and implemented by the United Nations General Assembly at its 68th meeting. This day is celebrated annually to bring awareness to animals and plant life around the world that need help. They chose March 3rd because this is the day that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was adopted in 1973.
This Year’s Theme
Each year, there’s a theme that corresponds to the specific issues they want to focus on. The theme being celebrated this year is “safeguarding key species for ecosystem restoration”. This represents the need to focus on critically endangered species of flora and fauna and what can be done to save them. Particularly aimed at the communities that live around them.
Why This Day is Important
According to The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 8,400 species are critically endangered and over 30,000 are endangered or vulnerable. Animals will only be added to this list if the IUCN deems a high chance of extinction. Most of these end up endangered or extinct because of human interference due to over hunting and fishing, illegal game trade and deforestation. All of which can be reversed by spreading awareness about how to change our ways.
What We Can Do
Spread Awareness–talk about it in classrooms and in the workplace. Share on social media.
Educate Yourself–familiarize yourself with the animals and plants in your community that are being threatened and what you can do to help conservation efforts.
Organize Your Own Event–Whether it’s just a discussion or some kind of presentation, anything helps!
Themes of Past Years
2015- “It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime.”
2016- “The future of wildlife is in our hands.”
2017- “Listen to the young voices.”
2018- “Big cats–predators under threat.”
2019- “Life below water–for people and planet.”
2020- “Sustaining all life on Earth.”
2021- “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet.”